Kellen Strickland

Kellen is a superintendent who works with us in Arizona. He was born in Woodward, Oklahoma, and completed his high school education in Wagoner, Oklahoma. After graduating, he joined Northeastern State University, where he became a Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity member. Before joining Rupe Companies, Kellen worked in the HVAC industry for three years.
As a superintendent, Kellen primarily manages and coordinates all on-site construction activities. He supervises all field personnel to ensure every project is completed within budget and on schedule. Kellen is dedicated to contributing to the organization and is enthusiastic about starting each new workday.
During his free time, Kellen enjoys spending quality time with his girlfriend, Ella, and his two dogs, Willie and Waylon. He is also an avid golfer and enjoys spending days on the lake. Kellen is a die-hard supporter of the Oklahoma State Cowboys and never misses an opportunity to watch them play. He is grateful for the opportunity to work at Rupe Companies and finds his work rewarding and fulfilling.